Contact Wyrd Studio
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At Wyrd Studio I create fine and commercial art as well as materials for projects and activities.
I also teach classes and workshops.
By the way, my name is Kay Cochran, pleased to meet ya.
Mission: Art and Discovery.
I like creating art and I’m insatiably curious.
Because both making art and indulging curiosity make me happy I thought I'd turn them into a business. Totally antiquated words also make me happy so I call the biz Wyrd* Studio.
One side of the business is creating art and I’d be very pleased to help a business or other enterprise by creating logos, posters and the like. I’d also be honored to be a part of someone’s life by creating a special piece of artwork.
The other side my work is as a teacher of sorts. I've never given out a grade or a report card but I do teach various classes as well as use my art to create projects designed to ignite curiosity and make information accessible and interesting.
Some focus on history and culture, I call those Culture Craft. Some are examinations of the natural world, i.e. science stuff; S.T.E.M. except that I, like some others, use S.T.E.A.M. instead to include Art in with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Some are pure Craft; manipulations of materials to make cool and useful stuff. Some are Art for arts sake.
Preferred materials
Natural clay: though polymer clay (the stuff you can cure in any oven) and oil based clay have their uses. I like interacting with the different stages clay goes trough as it dries and is fired. I am a sculptor by nature and also good at hand building. (I can throw on a wheel but I'm only OK at that.)
Graphite: Nothing like a #2 pencil and some decent paper.
Watercolor: I guess I just like a material that kinda does it's own thing. you guild watercolor but there is always some new, unexpected effect.
Face Paint and F/X make up: Well I worked in LA for quite awhile, that of thing comes up there. Working with some human as your canvas in pretty interesting.
Acrylic paint: A very obedient medium, pretty predictable and easy to do lots of effects with. I'm pretty good at making it look like watercolor.
Digital, both raster and vector: Actually it's not that I love these but digital art is just way too useful to not use.
I guess a bio is in order so....
My bio - the short form
· Some display of artistic ability as child, highlights include a clay rat that frightened a neighbor lady (very satisfying), a somber self portrait and a almost strait sword and some decent fireplace pokers (created after talking my parents into blacksmithing lessons).
· Not much for years
· Started working for commercial haunted houses, soon started sculpting monsters, found I was pretty good at it. Did that for a few years.
· Lost my apartment when a company I was working for went under without paying peeps. I ran away with the lead artist for the failed project (not his fault it failed, bad biz decisions not lack of talent)....landed in LA.
· Learned more about sculpting as well as skills useful in Hollywood including mold making, F/X make-up, general fabrication and some painting.
· Took a summer job as an the Arts and Crafts person at a day camp, decided that was cool . Decided kids are cool even if they are problematic at times.
· Went to college (an item that had slipped my mind up to this point) for Childhood Development but ended up with an Art degree as well. Learned more two-dimensional art skills at this time.
· Moved to CO to work in a summer camp arts program and a related after school program.
. Started my own arts business.
· Started working as a cave tour guide (including Wild Tours). Decided caving is interesting and a source of artistic inspiration.
· Still work at the commercial cave part of the time (it's a very interesting cave), do commercial art part of time, do fine art on occasion and do classes, workshops and projects for various peeps but mostly for Dewey Dabbles in Art which you can link to at the top of the page.
That pretty much covers it.
*Wyrd as in the Wyrd Sisters and related to destiny or fate. Not the no-escape, Oedipus, sort of fate found in old Greek plays and stories. I'm going with "the web or matrix of our lives spun from the past, present and future". The web itself is inescapable but our thoughts, beliefs and actions within it create an individual path through the warp and weft of the Wyrd Sisters tapestry.